Our Company was Invited to Participate in the Resumption Ceremony Held by Canadian Solar

Column:Company News Time:2017-01-12

On January 12nd, 2017, our company, as a good supplier of Canadian Solar, was invited to participate in the Canadian Solar's Production Resumption Ceremony. After the "6.23" storm disaster, Canadian Solar had not been defeated, and recovered the reconstruction of its plants and totally resumed production in 7 months after the storm disaster.

All attendees felt their hearts glowing with enthusiasm during the ceremony. The Chairman of the board (who is also the president, CEO) of Canadian Solar, the Standing Committee of the CPC Yancheng Municipal Committee, Deputy Mayor and so on attended the resumption ceremony. As a close partner with Canadian Solar, our general manager had a friendly and cordial meeting with Canadian Solar Chairman of the board Qi Xiaohua and the Chief Operating Officer Zhang Chunguang, and exchanged their views on cooperation.

Photos of our general manager and Canadian Solar leaders

Our company, as an excellent supplier of Canadian Solar, came to stage and delivered our most sincere wishes in the ceremony.

Our general manager delivered the speech  
Scene Photo

At the same time, our general manager visited the new Canadian Solar plants, and required the equipment’s using status from the on-site workers. Their workers had greatly appreciated the performance of our equipment. Then our general manager took photos in front of our equipment.


 Our general manager visited the new production plant of Canadian Solar